
How Much Does Tooth Filling Cost Without Insurance?

tooth filling cost without insurance

Do you have a cavity? Do you want to know how much tooth filling cost without insurance in your area? The cost of dental fillings is determined by a number of factors. However, knowing which variables are in play can help you avoid being caught off guard by a surprise bill later on.


What Are Dental Fillings?

Fillings in your teeth are your first line of defense against dental decay. A filling is a repair or rebuilding of the area inside your tooth where a cavity has formed. Because dental fillings are malleable, your dentist can mould them to fit specific areas of your mouth.

Modern fillings are created from a variety of materials. The majority of them are fashioned by hand and inserted directly within your tooth during your appointment. Others are lab-made fillings, which need your dentist to take an impression, send it to a lab, and have it installed a few weeks later.

A simple dental filling replaces the damaged portion of your decayed tooth, restoring its appearance and functionality. They keep food and bacteria out of your cavity, preventing it from growing larger.

Why Would You Need A Dental Filling?

A dental filling is required if you have a small to medium-sized cavity. However, the price of dental fillings varies depending on the size of the restoration. As a result, the sooner your dentist diagnoses a cavity, the sooner it can be treated.


It’s crucial to understand that cavities are bacterial illnesses that will spread if left untreated. What are the costs of dental fillings? The longer you wait to have your tooth fixed, the higher the cost. A cavity can eventually develop into the nerve or cause so much structural damage that a filling is no longer an option.

The use of fillings is limited to the treatment of dental decay. Symptoms that are common include:

  • Tooth sensitivity

  • Tenderness to sweets

  • Occasional sharp jolts or zings coming from a tooth

  • Some discomfort when biting down

  • Tooth throbbing or pain

Cost Of Dental Fillings With No Insurance

The cost of a dental filling without insurance varies depending on the dentist’s costs, the type of filling material used, the number of surfaces that need to be filled, and any extra treatments required. A filling costs between $200 to $600 on average, but it can cost up to $4,500 depending on your situation.

Types Of Dental Filling Costs

If you ask your dentist’s office, “How much do dental fillings cost?” they will most likely respond, “Which type?” The materials used in your filling have a direct impact on the cost of the surgery, as well as how much your dental insurance will pay. Some dental filling materials fluctuate in price due to supply and demand, based on market prices.

Dental fillings that are inserted the same day at your dentist’s office are usually less expensive than those made in a lab. Although lab-made fillings are becoming less popular, some dentists still favour them.


The smaller the cavity, the smaller the filling, and hence the lower the price.

Filling typeCost Without Insurance
Silver Amalgram$50 to $300
Composite Resin$90 to $450
Gold Filling$250 to $2,000
Porcelain inlay/onlay$300 to $4,500

Silver Amalgam Fillings

Cost without insurance: $50 to $300

Silver fillings are the most cost-effective type of filling in almost all cases. Silver fillings typically cost $50 to $150 for one or two surfaces. The average cost for three or more surfaces is $120 to $300 or higher.

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In most cases, the percentage that insurance will cover is higher than for other types of filling materials.


A metal amalgam or alloy is used to make traditional silver fillings (mixture of different materials.) For decades, amalgam fillings have been used. They’re fantastic when it’s tough to get a tooth to dry because they don’t require bonding. Metal fillings, on the other hand, necessitate greater dental preparation, making them more invasive to teeth in general. They’re also silver. If you have a cavity on a tooth that is visible when you smile, the metal filling will be visible. However, on the rear teeth, this is usually not as significant.

Composite Fillings

Cost without insurance: $90 to $450

The second most frequent form of dental filling is white composite fillings. Tooth-colored composite fillings range in price from $90 to $250 for one or two surfaces. The average cost for three or more surfaces is $150 to $450 or more. The cost of these fillings is slightly higher than that of silver fillings. White fillings, on the other hand, have become much less expensive in recent years. When compared to earlier silver fillings, paying for white fillings with dental insurance may not make much of a difference.

You can restore any tooth in your smile with a white filling without the treatment being obvious. This aesthetic benefit alone can justify the slightly higher expense of white dental fillings. Furthermore, composite bonds closely to your tooth, resulting in a restoration that is as non-invasive as possible.


Gold Fillings

Cost without insurance: $250 to $2,000

The majority of gold dental fillings are manufactured in a lab. Inlays and onlays, as well as “three-quarter crowns,” are other terms for the same thing. For areas of more extreme tooth decay, gold is resilient and pliable as a larger lab-made repair. They’re a good middle ground between a filling and a full-coverage crown. But, when they’re gold, how much do dental fillings cost? That is an excellent question. Depending on current market prices, it could be greater one month and lower the next. However, they will undoubtedly be more expensive than a silver or composite filling.

Porcelain Fillings

Cost without insurance: $300 to $4,500

Porcelain fillings are not the same as white dental fillings. A porcelain filling (inlay/onlay) is similar to a crown in that it is manufactured in a lab. It raises the cost of lab-made dental fillings due to the additional processes involved in creating and putting them.

There’s also the issue of the materials used. All porcelains and ceramics are not created equal. Some are made of extremely dense zirconia. Custom-milled CEREC procedures are another option. The sort of materials required has a direct impact on the procedure’s ultimate cost.

Additional Costs Of Dental Fillings

Let’s imagine you’re receiving a little white or silver filling for a low price. Are there any other expenses that could affect the treatment cost? Absolutely.

1) Additional Procedures

ProcedureAverage cost
Dental exam$50-$150
Dental Xrays$10-$250
Local Anasthetic$60-$500
2) Living Expenses in Your Area
If you live in an area where rent and housing are more expensive, your dental bills will reflect that.

3) If Sedation Is Involved

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Do you want to sleep through a dental filling? The additional price will be added to your total cost. Sedation is available in a variety of levels, therefore cost may vary accordingly.

4) Insurance Protection

Some plans will reimburse you up to a certain sum, regardless of the type of filling you obtain. It’s your choice whether to pay a little more for a white or porcelain one.

5) The Number Of Involved Tooth Surfaces

Dental fillings with a single surface cost more than fillings with two or three surfaces. If you have a cavity between your teeth, your dentist will need to access it by drilling through the top of the tooth, requiring a two-surface filling. It will only be one surface if it is only on the chewing surface.

Are Dental Fillings Covered By Insurance?

Dental fillings are normally covered by most dental insurance policies as a general rule. Your insurance plan, on the other hand, can determine which types of fillings are covered and how much money your insurance plan will pay out each year. If you only require one or two fillings, you may pay a few hundred dollars (or less), but if you require fillings throughout your mouth, your insurance coverage may be exhausted.

The average tooth filling is covered by roughly 80% of the time. Of course, the extent of your coverage is determined on your policy. The levels of coverage you receive are determined by you or your employer (whoever enrolled in the plan first). These differ from business to company, so one insurance carrier isn’t always better than another.

If you have a deductible to meet, you will be responsible for paying up to that amount before your insurance will cover the cost of your filling. Depending on your deductible, even if your plan pays 80 percent of a filling, you may still be responsible for 50 percent or more of it.

Get a tailored care plan from your dentist to find out exactly how much dental fillings would cost in your scenario. The insurance and treatment coordinator will calculate your coverage, include it into the treatment plan, and provide you with a line-by-line estimate of your projected expenditures and financial obligations. It may appear to be rocket science at times, but your dental team is here to assist you!

The Cheapest Way To Get Dental Fillings

Is there a method to get dental fillings for less money? Absolutely.

Dental Schools

Going straight to your local dentistry school is an easy strategy to cut your dental expenditures in half. Dental schools offer wonderful, high-quality therapy, which is provided by more experienced dental students under the supervision of a supervising professor dentist. The outcomes are flawless, and the fees are reasonable, but there is one drawback: you’ll be waiting for a long time. After all, kids do need to have their work checked and evaluated!

Payment Plans

Payment plans are a frequent way for consumers to pay for dental work. Especially since, say, over 40 years, most insurance companies haven’t updated their payouts to the average cost of living. And a lot of folks these days don’t have dental insurance at all. You can generally get 0% or low interest and instant approval with a payment plan, and then make reasonable monthly payments on the balance of your filling. You’ll be able to arrange treatment straight quickly, even if it’s not covered by your emergency fund.

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Early Treatment 

The quicker you cure a tooth decayed area, the less expensive the surgery will be. A modest filling today might easily turn into hundreds or thousands of dollars in therapy in a few months. Just because a tooth isn’t hurting doesn’t mean you should ignore it. It will come back to haunt you in the end. It’s preferable to finance a little dental filling right away than to stress about the cost of a root canal and crown, which will be far more expensive.

Community Dental Clinics

Most localities will feature a permanent or temporary community dental clinic that provides free dental care to those who qualify. Depending on every clinic you go to, there are different requirements. Most simply offer the most basic dental services, such as cleanings, exams, and extractions. Some dentists may also provide tiny dental fillings.

Alternative To A Dental Filling

Perhaps you aren’t persuaded that you require a dental filling right now. If that’s the case, take into account the following:

1) Get a 2nd Opinion

Is your new dentist responding excessively to a dental lesion? If you are unsure about continuing with therapy, do yourself a favour and get a second opinion. If the condition is confirmed by a second dentist, you know you need to take care of it.

2) Silver Diamine Fluoride 

Although SDF can permanently discolour teeth, it can be used to arrest (or prevent) cavities in cases where a filling isn’t possible. For example, special needs patients or young toddlers who may be unable to sit still without sedation or who are likely to lose their teeth in a year or two may require sedation.

3) Have your Dentist Monitor it Closely

Is the lesion a minor one? Has it not yet penetrated your enamel’s outer layer? Your dentist may recommend that you use a fluoride gel and that you change your dental hygiene practice. They’ll be able to assess if the lesion has spread during your next exam.

What To Expect From A Dental Filling Procedure

One of the most basic sorts of dental therapy is getting a dental filling. There’s no need to be concerned if you’ve never had one before.

First, your dentist will numb your tooth with a local anaesthetic. Before your injection, they’ll normally use some numbing gel to make you as comfortable as possible. They’ll clean away the decayed and damaged tooth structures once your tooth is numb. Finally, they’ll clean up the remaining tooth surface before shaping the filling material into your tooth. If the filling was created in a lab, you’ll need to come back for a second appointment.

It will take a few hours for the anaesthesia to wear off. Meanwhile, avoid chewing on anything (even your cheeks and tongue!)

Do I Need A Root Canal?

If you put off getting a dental filling for too long, it will nearly always spread into the nerve of your tooth. When that happens, you’ll wish you didn’t have to worry about the higher dental fillings prices. By that time, the only way to save your tooth will be with a root canal and crown. Even if the rot spreads to a bigger section of your enamel but does not reach the nerve, you’ll require a dental crown, which is hundreds of dollars more expensive than a filling.

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